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How to Get the Most Out of Laser Hair Removal

In order to get the maximum benefit from having laser hair removal, there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the full benefits from the procedure. Some may seem counter-intuitive, but they’re tried and true and have proven to be well worth taking the time to implement.

No Waxing or Plucking, But You Need to Shave

The laser actually targets the pigment (melanin), so if the hairs are removed from the root, there’s no pigment for the laser to target. So it’s best to shave the treatment area a few weeks ahead of the appointment. If you’re having hair removed in an area you’re not comfortable shaving, trimming every few days with a small pair of scissors is acceptable.

Be sure and shave the day of your hair removal, as close as possible to the skin’s surface. A long hair will disperse the energy from the laser along the hair shaft’s full length, rather than letting it focus on as small a length as possible. Longer hairs can make the treatment less effective, as well as increasing the risk of burning your skin.

Stay Out of the Sun and Tanning Beds

You’ll need to stay out of the sun as much as possible and definitely cancel any tanning bed appointments, for at least a month prior to your laser hair removal, and about six weeks afterward. The laser will be targeting the dark pigment melanin, which is also what causes your skin to “tan” when it’s exposed to any UV rays.
Spending too much time in the sun also causes your skin to become much more sensitive, creating a bigger risk during treatment of burns or blisters. It may be a good idea to begin treatments during the fall or the winter months to be sure you’ll have smooth, hairless skin by summertime.

Plan on More Than One Treatment for Best Results

It generally takes about five or six treatment sessions to get the best results possible. Hair grows according to its own specific cycles. The most amazing results are seen by those patients who have laser hair removal every four to six weeks. By going back periodically, it maximizes the potential to hit the biggest number of follicles, while allowing time for the dead hairs to voluntarily fall out.

After the Treatment, Don’t Pick at It!

You want to be protective of the treated area immediately after the procedure. It’s best to leave it alone as much as possible, with no picking at it or rubbing on it. It’s also recommended you not use loofahs or any other type of abrasive scrub for a minimum of five days following treatment.

While we’re on the topic of things to avoid, it’s best to stay away from strenuous sports or exercise activities, as well as excessively hot water, hot tubs or saunas for at least three days following your hair removal treatment.

A Few Final Notes

Before your treatment session, depending on where you’re having hair removal done, don’t put on make-up, apply lotion, or wear deodorant.

It’s also worth noting that laser hair removal will not usually work on hair that’s blonde, gray or white, and can be very “iffy” on redheads. For these patients, electrolysis may be a better option.

Following these suggestions will maximize the results you’ll get with laser hair removal. You’ll be glad you did!

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